Struct ColorStruct
ColorStruct used inside the Color object in order to store color value. This structure stores color as BGRA and is compatible with SKColor.
public struct ColorStruct
- ColorStruct()
Initializes a new instance of the ColorStruct struct.
- ColorStruct(SKColor)
Initializes a new instance of the ColorStruct struct.
- ColorStruct(byte, byte, byte)
Initializes a new instance of the ColorStruct with the specified parameters.
- ColorStruct(byte, byte, byte, byte)
Initializes a new instance of the ColorStruct with the specified parameters.
- ColorStruct(int)
Initializes a new instance of the ColorStruct struct.
- ColorStruct(uint)
Initializes a new instance of the ColorStruct struct.
- A
Gets or sets alpha component of the color.
- B
Gets or sets blue component of the color.
- Default
Gets default value with all fields assigned to default values.
- G
Gets or sets green component of the color.
- R
Gets or sets red component of the color.
- Equals(object?)
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
- GetHashCode()
Serves as the default hash function.
- WithAlpha(byte)
Returns a new color based on this current instance, but with the new alpha channel value.
- operator ==(ColorStruct, ColorStruct)
Tests whether two specified ColorStruct structures are equivalent.
- explicit operator ColorStruct(Color)
Converts the specified Color to a ColorStruct.
- implicit operator SKColor(ColorStruct)
Converts the specified SKColor to a ColorStruct.
- implicit operator uint(ColorStruct)
Converts the specified ColorStruct to a uint.
- implicit operator ColorStruct(SKColor)
Converts the specified SKColor to a ColorStruct.
- implicit operator ColorStruct(int)
Converts the specified int to a ColorStruct.
- implicit operator ColorStruct(uint)
Converts the specified uint to a ColorStruct.
- implicit operator ColorStruct((byte, byte, byte, byte))
Implicit operator convertion from tuple with three byte values to Color. Tuple values define ARGB of the color.
- implicit operator ColorStruct((byte, byte, byte))
Implicit operator convertion from tuple with three byte values to Color. Tuple values define RGB of the color.
- operator !=(ColorStruct, ColorStruct)
Tests whether two specified ColorStruct structures are not equivalent.