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Class WxControlPainterHandler


Draws control parts using native operating system visual style.

public class WxControlPainterHandler : DisposableObject, IBaseObjectWithId, IDisposableObject, IBaseObject, IControlPainterHandler, IDisposable



Initializes a new instance of the WxControlPainterHandler class.


Convert(CheckState, VisualControlState)

Converts CheckState and VisualControlState to WxControlPainterHandler.DrawFlags.

DrawCheckBox(AbstractControl, Graphics, RectD, DrawFlags)

Draws check button.

DrawCheckBox(AbstractControl, Graphics, RectD, CheckState, VisualControlState)

Draws checkbox.

DrawCheckMark(AbstractControl, Graphics, RectD, DrawFlags)

Draws check mark.

DrawChoice(AbstractControl, Graphics, RectD, DrawFlags)

Draws a native choice control.

DrawCollapseButton(AbstractControl, Graphics, RectD, DrawFlags)

Draws collapse button.

DrawComboBox(AbstractControl, Graphics, RectD, DrawFlags)

Draws a native ComboBox frame.

DrawComboBoxDropButton(AbstractControl, Graphics, RectD, DrawFlags)

Draws a combobox dropdown button.

DrawDropArrow(AbstractControl, Graphics, RectD, DrawFlags)

Draws a dropdown arrow.

DrawFocusRect(AbstractControl, Graphics, RectD, DrawFlags)

Draws the focus rectangle around the label contained in the given rect.

DrawGauge(AbstractControl, Graphics, RectD, int, int, DrawFlags)

Draws a gauge with native style.

DrawHeaderButton(AbstractControl, Graphics, RectD, DrawFlags, HeaderSortIconType, HeaderButtonParams?)

Draws the header control button (used, for example, by ListView like controls).

DrawHeaderButtonContents(AbstractControl, Graphics, RectD, DrawFlags, HeaderSortIconType, HeaderButtonParams?)

Draws the contents of a header control button (label, sort arrows, etc.). Normally only called by DrawHeaderButton(AbstractControl, Graphics, RectD, DrawFlags, HeaderSortIconType, HeaderButtonParams?).

DrawItem(ControlPartKind, AbstractControl, Graphics, RectD, DrawFlags, DrawItemParams?)

Draws item specified with kind.

DrawItemSelectionRect(AbstractControl, Graphics, RectD, DrawFlags)

Draws rectangle indicating that an item in e.g. a list control has been selected or focused.

DrawItemText(AbstractControl, Graphics, string, RectD, GenericAlignment, DrawFlags, TextEllipsizeType)

Draws text using the appropriate color for normal and selected states.

DrawPushButton(AbstractControl, Graphics, RectD, DrawFlags)

Draws blank button.

DrawRadioBitmap(AbstractControl, Graphics, RectD, DrawFlags)

Draws a native RadioButton bitmap.

DrawSplitterBorder(AbstractControl, Graphics, RectD, DrawFlags)

Draws the border for sash window: this border must be such that the sash drawn by DrawSplitterSash(AbstractControl, Graphics, SizeD, double, GenericOrientation, DrawFlags) blends into it well.

DrawSplitterSash(AbstractControl, Graphics, SizeD, double, GenericOrientation, DrawFlags)

Draw a (vertical) splitter sash.

DrawTextCtrl(AbstractControl, Graphics, RectD, DrawFlags)

Draws a native TextBox frame.

DrawTreeItemButton(AbstractControl, Graphics, RectD, DrawFlags)

Draws the expanded/collapsed icon for a tree control item.

GetCheckBoxSize(AbstractControl, DrawFlags)

Returns the default size of a check box in dips.

GetCheckBoxSize(AbstractControl, CheckState, VisualControlState)

Gets default checkbox size.


Returns the default size of a check mark in dips.

GetCollapseButtonSize(AbstractControl, Graphics)

Returns the default size of a collapse button in dips.


Returns the default size of a expander in dips.


Returns the default height of a header button in dips, either a fixed platform height if available, or a generic height based on the window's font.


Returns the margin on left and right sides of header button's label in dips.


Gets version of the renderer.