Struct PointI
Represents an ordered pair of x and y coordinates that define a point in a two-dimensional plane.
public struct PointI : IEquatable<PointI>
- Implements
- PointI(SizeI)
Initializes a new instance of the PointI class from a SizeD.
- PointI(SKPointI)
Initializes a new instance of the PointI class with the specified coordinates.
- PointI(int)
Initializes a new instance of the Point class using coordinates specified by an integer value.
- PointI(int, int)
Initializes a new instance of the PointI class with the specified coordinates.
- Empty
Gets an empty point with (0, 0) ccordinates.
- MinusOne
Gets a point with (-1, -1) ccordinates.
- One
Gets a point with (1, 1) ccordinates.
- Ceiling(PointD)
Converts a PointD to a PointI by performing a ceiling operation on all the coordinates.
- Equals(PointI)
Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type.
- Equals(object?)
Specifies whether this PointI contains the same coordinates as the specified object.
- GetHashCode()
Returns a hash code.
- Offset(PointI)
Translates this PointI by the specified amount.
- Offset(int, int)
Translates this PointI by the specified amount.
- PixelToDip(double)
Converts this point to device-independent units using the specified scale factor.
- Round(PointD, MidpointRounding?)
Converts a PointD to a PointI by performing a round operation on the coordinates.
- ToString()
Converts this PointI to a human readable string.
- Truncate(PointD)
Converts a PointD to a PointI by performing a truncate operation on all the coordinates.
- operator ==(PointI, PointI)
Compares two PointI objects. The result specifies whether the values of the X and Y properties of the two PointI objects are equal.
- explicit operator SizeI(PointI)
Creates a SizeI with the coordinates of the specified PointI .
- implicit operator PointD(PointI)
Creates a PointD with the coordinates of the specified PointI
- implicit operator SKPointI(PointI)
Creates a SKPointI with the coordinates of the specified PointI
- implicit operator Point(PointI)
Creates a Point with the coordinates of the specified PointI
- implicit operator PointI(SKPointI)
Creates a PointI with the coordinates of the specified SKPointI
- implicit operator PointI(Point)
Creates a PointI with the coordinates of the specified Point
- implicit operator PointI((int, int))
Implicit operator convertion from tuple with two int values to PointI.
- operator !=(PointI, PointI)
Compares two PointI objects. The result specifies whether the values of the X or Y properties of the two PointI objects are unequal.