Class GraphicsFactory
Contains static methods and properties related to the graphics objects creation, convertion and handling.
public static class GraphicsFactory
- Inheritance
- BrushAndPenToStrokeAndFillPaint
Gets or sets function which is used when BrushAndPen is converted to SKPaint with StrokeAndFill style.
- ColorToFillPaint
Gets or sets function which is used when Color is converted to SKPaint with Fill style.
- ColorToStrokeAndFillPaint
Gets or sets function which is used when Color is converted to SKPaint with StrokeAndFill style.
- ColorToStrokePaint
Gets or sets function which is used when Color is converted to SKPaint with StrokeAndFill style.
- DefaultAntialias
Gets or sets default value for IsAntialias property when SKPaint is created by the conversion methods.
- DefaultDPI
Gets or sets default dpi value used when pixels are converted from/to device-independent units.
- FontToSkiaFont
Gets or sets function which is used when Font is converted to SKFont.
- PenToPaint
Gets or sets function which is used when Pen is converted to SKPaint.
- AlphaBitsFormat
Gets or sets ImageBitsFormat for the images with alpha chanell.
- GenericBitsFormat
Gets or sets ImageBitsFormat for the GenericImage images.
- Handler
Gets or sets IGraphicsFactoryHandler object which is used internally to perform all the operations.
- MeasureCanvasOverride
Gets or sets global override for measure canvas.
- NativeBitsFormat
Gets or sets ImageBitsFormat for the opaque images.
- CreateFillPaint(SKColor)
Creates SKPaint with Fill style for the specified SKColor value.
- CreateMemoryCanvas(Image)
Creates memory canvas for the specified image.
- CreateMemoryCanvas(double?)
Creates memory canvas for the specified scale factor. This canvas can be used to perform text measure.
- CreateSkiaSurface(GenericImage, ImageLockMode)
Creates ISkiaSurface object for the specified generic image.
- CreateSkiaSurface(Image, ImageLockMode)
Creates ISkiaSurface object for the specified image.
- CreateStrokeAndFillPaint(BrushAndPen)
Creates SKPaint with StrokeAndFill style for the specified BrushAndPen value.
- CreateStrokeAndFillPaint(SKColor)
Creates SKPaint with StrokeAndFill style for the specified SKColor value.
- CreateStrokePaint(SKColor)
Creates SKPaint with Stroke style for the specified SKColor value.
- GetBitsFormat(ImageBitsFormatKind)
Gets ImageBitsFormat for the specified ImageBitsFormatKind.
- GetOrCreateMemoryCanvas(double?)
Gets memory canvas for the specified scale factor. This canvas can be used to perform text measure.
- PixelFromDip(PointD, double?)
Converts device-independent units to pixels.
- PixelFromDip(RectD, double?)
Converts device-independent units to pixels.
- PixelFromDip(SizeD, double?)
Converts device-independent units to pixels.
- PixelFromDip(double, double?)
Converts device-independent units to pixels.
- PixelToDip(PointI, double?)
Converts PointI to device-independent units.
- PixelToDip(RectI, double?)
Converts RectI to device-independent units.
- PixelToDip(RectI[], double?)
Converts array of RectI to device-independent units.
- PixelToDip(SizeI, double?)
Converts SizeI to device-independent units.
- PixelToDip(int, double?)
Converts pixels to device-independent units.
- PixelsArgbToRgba(int, int, ARGBValue*, bool)
Converts ARGB to RGBA pixels.
- ScaleFactorFromDpi(int)
Converts dpi to scale factor.
- ScaleFactorOrDefault(double?)
and returns default value if it is not specified.
- ScaleFactorToDpi(double)
Converts scale factor to dpi.
- SetPaintDefaults(SKPaint)
This method is called by all SKPaint create methods. It raises PaintCreated event and initializes SKPaint instance properties with the default values.
- PaintCreated
Occurs when SKPaint instance is created by one of the create methods implemented in the GraphicsFactory.