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Method SetLocationOnDisplay


SetLocationOnDisplay(PointI, Display?)

Sets relative location of this window on the specified display.

public virtual void SetLocationOnDisplay(PointI relativePosition, Display? display = null)


relativePosition PointI

New location of the window in pixels. This value is relative to the top-left corner of the display's client area.

display Display

Display which client area is used as a container for the window.

SetLocationOnDisplay(HorizontalAlignment?, VerticalAlignment?, Display?, bool)

Aligns window location inside the specified display's client area using given horizontal and vertical alignment.

public virtual void SetLocationOnDisplay(HorizontalAlignment? horz, VerticalAlignment? vert, Display? display = null, bool shrinkSize = true)


horz HorizontalAlignment?

Horizontal alignment of the window inside display's client area.

vert VerticalAlignment?

Vertical alignment of the window inside display's client area.

display Display

Display which client area is used as a container for the window.

shrinkSize bool

Whether to shrink size of the window to fit in the display client area. Optional. Default is true.