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Method StretchBlit


StretchBlit(PointD, SizeD, Graphics, PointD, SizeD, RasterOperationMode, bool, PointD?, GraphicsUnit)

Copies from a source Graphics to this graphics possibly changing the scale. Unlike Blit(PointD, SizeD, Graphics, PointD, RasterOperationMode, bool, PointD?, GraphicsUnit), this method allows specifying different source and destination region sizes, meaning that it can stretch or shrink it while copying. The meaning of its other parameters is the same as with Blit(PointD, SizeD, Graphics, PointD, RasterOperationMode, bool, PointD?, GraphicsUnit). Sizes and positions are specified in pixels.

public override bool StretchBlit(PointD dstPt, SizeD dstSize, Graphics source, PointD srcPt, SizeD srcSize, RasterOperationMode rop = RasterOperationMode.Copy, bool useMask = false, PointD? srcPtMask = null, GraphicsUnit unit = GraphicsUnit.Dip)


dstPt PointD

Destination device context position.

dstSize SizeD

Size of destination area.

source Graphics

Source device context.

srcPt PointD

Source device context position.

srcSize SizeD

Size of source area to be copied.

rop RasterOperationMode

Logical function to use.

useMask bool

If true, Blit does a transparent blit using the mask that is associated with the bitmap selected into the source device context.

srcPtMask PointD?

Source position on the mask. If it equals (-1, -1), srcPt will be assumed for the mask source position. Currently only implemented on Windows.

unit GraphicsUnit

GraphicsUnit that determines the unit of measure for the point and size parameters.




Notice that source coordinate srcPt is interpreted using the current source DC coordinate system, i.e. the scale, origin position and axis directions are taken into account when transforming them to physical(pixel) coordinates.