Table of Contents

Constructor TouchEventArgs



Initializes a new instance of the TouchEventArgs class.

public TouchEventArgs()

TouchEventArgs(long, TouchAction, PointD, bool)

Initializes a new instance of the TouchEventArgs class with the specified paramaters.

public TouchEventArgs(long id, TouchAction type, PointD location, bool inContact)


id long

The ID used to track the touch event.

type TouchAction

The type of touch action that initiated this event.

location PointD

The location of the touch.

inContact bool

Whether or not the touch device is in contact with the screen.

TouchEventArgs(long, TouchAction, MouseButton, TouchDeviceType, PointD, bool)

Initializes a new instance of the TouchEventArgs class with the specified parameters.

public TouchEventArgs(long id, TouchAction type, MouseButton mouseButton, TouchDeviceType deviceType, PointD location, bool inContact)


id long

The ID used to track the touch event.

type TouchAction

The type of touch action that initiated this event.

mouseButton MouseButton

The mouse button used to raise the touch event.

deviceType TouchDeviceType

The touch device used to raise the touch event.

location PointD

The location of the touch.

inContact bool

Whether or not the touch device is in contact with the screen.

TouchEventArgs(long, TouchAction, MouseButton, TouchDeviceType, PointD, bool, int)

Initializes a new instance of the TouchEventArgs class with the specified parameters.

public TouchEventArgs(long id, TouchAction type, MouseButton mouseButton, TouchDeviceType deviceType, PointD location, bool inContact, int wheelDelta)


id long

The ID used to track the touch event.

type TouchAction

The type of touch action that initiated this event.

mouseButton MouseButton

The mouse button used to raise the touch event.

deviceType TouchDeviceType

The touch device used to raise the touch event.

location PointD

The location of the touch.

inContact bool

Whether or not the touch device is in contact with the screen.

wheelDelta int

The amount the wheel was scrolled.

TouchEventArgs(long, TouchAction, MouseButton, TouchDeviceType, PointD, bool, int, float)

Initializes a new instance of the TouchEventArgs class with the specified parameters.

public TouchEventArgs(long id, TouchAction type, MouseButton mouseButton, TouchDeviceType deviceType, PointD location, bool inContact, int wheelDelta, float pressure)


id long

The ID used to track the touch event.

type TouchAction

The type of touch action that initiated this event.

mouseButton MouseButton

The mouse button used to raise the touch event.

deviceType TouchDeviceType

The touch device used to raise the touch event.

location PointD

The location of the touch.

inContact bool

Whether or not the touch device is in contact with the screen.

wheelDelta int

The amount the wheel was scrolled.

pressure float

The pressure of the touch event.