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Constructor TokenizerHelper


TokenizerHelper(string, IFormatProvider)

Constructor for TokenizerHelper which accepts an IFormatProvider. If the IFormatProvider is null, we use the thread's IFormatProvider info. We will use ',' as the list separator, unless it's the same as the decimal separator. If it is, then we can't determine if, say, "23,5" is one number or two. In this case, we will use ";" as the separator.

public TokenizerHelper(string str, IFormatProvider formatProvider)


str string

The string which will be tokenized.

formatProvider IFormatProvider

The IFormatProvider which controls this tokenization.

TokenizerHelper(string, char, char)

Initialize the TokenizerHelper with the string to tokenize, the char which represents quotes and the list separator.

public TokenizerHelper(string str, char quoteChar, char separator)


str string

The string to tokenize.

quoteChar char

The quote char.

separator char

The list separator.