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Enum SizerFlag


Enumerates flags which customize ISizer behavior and appearance.

public enum SizerFlag


AlignBottom = 1024

Content is vertically aligned at the bottom.

AlignBottomLeft = 1024

Content is vertically aligned at the bottom, and horizontally aligned on the left.

AlignBottomRight = AlignRight | AlignBottom

Content is vertically aligned at the bottom, and horizontally aligned on the right.

AlignCenter = AlignCenterHorizontal | AlignCenterVertical

Content is aligned at the center.

AlignCenterHorizontal = 256

Content is horizontally aligned on the center.

AlignCenterRight = AlignRight | AlignCenterVertical

Content is vertically aligned at the center, and horizontally aligned on the right.

AlignCenterVertical = 2048

Content is vertically aligned at the center.

AlignLeft = 0

Content is horizontally aligned on the left.

AlignRight = 512

Content is horizontally aligned on the right.

AlignTop = 0

Content is vertically aligned at the top.

AlignTopLeft = 0

Content is vertically aligned at the top, and horizontally aligned on the left.

AlignTopRight = Top | AlignRight

Content is vertically aligned at the top, and horizontally aligned on the right.

All = Left | Right | Top | Bottom

Border width will be applied to all sides of the sizer item.

Bottom = 128

Border width will be applied to the bottom side of the sizer item.

Expand = 8192

The item will be expanded to fill the space assigned to the item. When used for the items of IBoxSizer, the expansion only happens in the transversal direction of the sizer as only the item proportion governs its behaviour in the principal sizer direction. But when it is used for the items of IGridSizer, this flag can be combined with the alignment flags which override it in the corresponding direction if specified, e.g. (Expand | AlignCenterVertical) would expand the item only horizontally but center it vertically. Notice that this doesn't work for the default left/top alignment and Expand still applies in both directions if it is combined with wxALIGN_LEFT or wxALIGN_TOP.

FixedMinSize = 32768

Normally sizers use the "best", i.e. most appropriate, size of the control to determine what the minimal size of control items should be. This allows layouts to adjust correctly when the item contents, and hence its best size, changes. If this behaviour is unwanted, FixedMinSize can be used to fix minimal size of the control to its initial value and not change it any more in the future. Note that the same thing can be accomplished by setting MinimumSize explicitly as well.

Left = 16

Border width will be applied to the left side of the sizer item.

ReserveSpaceEvenIfHidden = 2

Normally sizers don't allocate space for hidden controls or other items. This flag overrides this behaviour so that sufficient space is allocated for the control even if it isn't visible. This makes it possible to dynamically show and hide controls without resizing parent dialog, for example.

Right = 32

Border width will be applied to the right side of the sizer item.

Shaped = 16384

The item will be expanded as much as possible while also maintaining its aspect ratio.

Top = 64

Border width will be applied to the top side of the sizer item.