Table of Contents

Method SetBounds


SetBounds(RectD, BoundsSpecified)

Sets the specified bounds of the control to new location and size.

public virtual void SetBounds(RectD newBounds, BoundsSpecified specified)


newBounds RectD

New location and size.

specified BoundsSpecified

Specifies which bounds to use when applying new location and size.

SetBounds(double, double, double, double, BoundsSpecified)

Sets the specified bounds of the control to new location and size.

public virtual void SetBounds(double x, double y, double width, double height, BoundsSpecified specified)


x double

The new Left property value of the control.

y double

The new Top property value of the control.

width double

The new Width property value of the control.

height double

The new Height property value of the control.

specified BoundsSpecified

Specifies which bounds to use when applying new location and size.