Table of Contents

Method DrawImage


DrawImage(Image, PointD)

Draws the specified Image, using its original size, at the specified location.

public override void DrawImage(Image image, PointD origin)


image Image

Image to draw.

origin PointD

PointD structure that represents the upper-left corner of the drawn image.


When drawing a mono-bitmap, the current text foreground color will be used to draw the foreground of the bitmap (all bits set to 1), and the current text background color to draw the background (all bits set to 0).

DrawImage(Image, RectD)

Draws an image into the region defined by the specified RectD.

public override void DrawImage(Image image, RectD destinationRect)


image Image

Image to draw.

destinationRect RectD

The region in which to draw image.


When drawing a mono-bitmap, the current text foreground color will be used to draw the foreground of the bitmap (all bits set to 1), and the current text background color to draw the background (all bits set to 0).

DrawImage(Image, RectD, RectD)

Draws the specified portion of the image into the region defined by the specified RectD.

public override void DrawImage(Image image, RectD destinationRect, RectD sourceRect)


image Image

Image to draw.

destinationRect RectD

The region in which to draw image. Specified in device-independent units.

sourceRect RectD

RectD structure that specifies the portion of the image object to draw.

DrawImage(Image, RectD, RectD, GraphicsUnit)

Draws the specified portion of the image into the region defined by the specified RectD.

public override void DrawImage(Image image, RectD destinationRect, RectD sourceRect, GraphicsUnit unit)


image Image

Image to draw.

destinationRect RectD

The region in which to draw image.

sourceRect RectD

RectD structure that specifies the portion of the image object to draw.

unit GraphicsUnit

Units used to draw the image. Currently only pixel unit is allowed.