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Field GifTransparency


Gif image option name for setting how to deal with transparent pixels. By default, the color of transparent pixels is changed to bright pink, so that if the image is accidentally drawn without transparency, it will be obvious. Normally, this would not be noticed, as these pixels will not be rendered. But in some cases it might be useful to load a GIF without making any modifications to its colors. Supports GifTransparencyValueHighlight and GifTransparencyValueUnchanged values.

public const string GifTransparency = "Transparency"


Gif image option name for setting how to deal with transparent pixels. By default, the color of transparent pixels is changed to bright pink, so that if the image is accidentally drawn without transparency, it will be obvious. Normally, this would not be noticed, as these pixels will not be rendered. But in some cases it might be useful to load a GIF without making any modifications to its colors. Supports and values.