Table of Contents

Constructor Font



Initializes a new Font using a FontInfo.

public Font(FontInfo fontInfo)


fontInfo FontInfo

Font(string, double, FontStyle)

Initializes a new Font using a specified font familty name, size in points and style.

public Font(string familyName, double emSize, FontStyle style = FontStyle.Regular)


familyName string

A string representation of the font family for the new Font.

emSize double

The em-size, in points, of the new font.

style FontStyle

The FontStyle of the new font.


If bad parameters are passed to the font constructor, error message is output to log and font is created with default parameters. No exceptions are raised.

Font(FontFamily, double, FontStyle)

Initializes a new Font using a specified font family, size in points and style.

public Font(FontFamily family, double emSize, FontStyle style = FontStyle.Regular)


family FontFamily

The FontFamily of the new Font.

emSize double

The em-size, in points, of the new font.

style FontStyle

The FontStyle of the new font.


If bad parameters are passed to the font constructor, error message is output to log and font is created with default parameters. No exceptions are raised.

Font(Font, FontStyle)

Initializes a new Font that uses the specified existing Font and FontStyle enumeration.

public Font(Font prototype, FontStyle newStyle)


prototype Font

The existing Font from which to create the new Font.

newStyle FontStyle

The FontStyle to apply to the new Font. Multiple values of the FontStyle enumeration can be combined with the OR operator.


If bad parameters are passed to the font constructor, error message is output to log and font is created with default parameters. No exceptions are raised.

Font(Font, double)

Initializes a new Font that uses the specified existing Font and newSize parameter.

public Font(Font prototype, double newSize)


prototype Font

The existing Font from which to create the new Font.

newSize double

New size of the font in points.


If bad parameters are passed to the font constructor, error message is output to log and font is created with default parameters. No exceptions are raised.

Font(FontFamily, double, FontStyle, GraphicsUnit)

Initializes a new Font using a specified size, style, and unit.

public Font(FontFamily family, double emSize, FontStyle style, GraphicsUnit unit)


family FontFamily

The FontFamily of the new Font.

emSize double

The em-size of the new font in the units specified by the unit parameter.

style FontStyle

The FontStyle of the new font.

unit GraphicsUnit

The unit of the new font.


If bad parameters are passed to the font constructor, error message is output to log and font is created with default parameters. No exceptions are raised.

Font(FontFamily, double, FontStyle, GraphicsUnit, byte)

Initializes a new Font using a specified size, style, unit, and character set.

public Font(FontFamily family, double emSize, FontStyle style, GraphicsUnit unit, byte gdiCharSet)


family FontFamily

The FontFamily of the new Font.

emSize double

The em-size of the new font in the units specified by the unit parameter.

style FontStyle

The FontStyle of the new font.

unit GraphicsUnit

The unit of the new font.

gdiCharSet byte

A byte that specifies a GDI character set to use for the new font. Currently ignored.


If bad parameters are passed to the font constructor, error message is output to log and font is created with default parameters. No exceptions are raised.

Font(FontFamily, double, FontStyle, GraphicsUnit, byte, bool)

Initializes a new Font using a specified size, style, unit, and character set.

public Font(FontFamily family, double emSize, FontStyle style, GraphicsUnit unit, byte gdiCharSet, bool gdiVerticalFont)


family FontFamily

The FontFamily of the new Font.

emSize double

The em-size of the new font in the units specified by the unit parameter.

style FontStyle

The FontStyle of the new font.

unit GraphicsUnit

The unit of the new font.

gdiCharSet byte

A byte that specifies a GDI character set to use for this font. Currently ignored.

gdiVerticalFont bool

A Boolean value indicating whether the new font is derived from a GDI vertical font.


If bad parameters are passed to the font constructor, error message is output to log and font is created with default parameters. No exceptions are raised.

Font(string, double, FontStyle, GraphicsUnit, byte)

Initializes a new Font using a specified size, style, unit, and character set.

public Font(string familyName, double emSize, FontStyle style, GraphicsUnit unit, byte gdiCharSet)


familyName string

A string representation of the FontFamily for the new Font.

emSize double

The em-size of the new font in the units specified by the unit parameter.

style FontStyle

The FontStyle of the new font.

unit GraphicsUnit

The unit of the new font.

gdiCharSet byte

A byte that specifies a GDI character set to use for this font. Currently ignored.


If bad parameters are passed to the font constructor, error message is output to log and font is created with default parameters. No exceptions are raised.

Font(string, double, FontStyle, GraphicsUnit, byte, bool)

Initializes a new Font using the specified size, style, unit, and character set.

public Font(string familyName, double emSize, FontStyle style, GraphicsUnit unit, byte gdiCharSet, bool gdiVerticalFont)


familyName string

A string representation of the FontFamily for the new Font.

emSize double

The em-size of the new font in the units specified by the unit parameter.

style FontStyle

The FontStyle of the new font.

unit GraphicsUnit

The unit of the new font.

gdiCharSet byte

A byte that specifies a GDI character set to use for this font. Currently ignored.

gdiVerticalFont bool

A Boolean value indicating whether the new Font is derived from a GDI vertical font.


If bad parameters are passed to the font constructor, error message is output to log and font is created with default parameters. No exceptions are raised.

Font(FontFamily, float, GraphicsUnit)

Initializes a new Font using a specified size and unit. Sets the style to Regular.

public Font(FontFamily family, float emSize, GraphicsUnit unit)


family FontFamily

The FontFamily of the new Font.

emSize float

The em-size of the new font in the units specified by the unit parameter.

unit GraphicsUnit

The unit of the new font.


If bad parameters are passed to the font constructor, error message is output to log and font is created with default parameters. No exceptions are raised.

Font(FontFamily, double)

Initializes a new Font using a specified size.

public Font(FontFamily family, double emSize)


family FontFamily

The FontFamily of the new Font.

emSize double

The em-size, in points, of the new font.


If bad parameters are passed to the font constructor, error message is output to log and font is created with default parameters. No exceptions are raised.

Font(string, double, FontStyle, GraphicsUnit)

Initializes a new Font using a specified size, style, and unit.

public Font(string familyName, double emSize, FontStyle style, GraphicsUnit unit)


familyName string

A string representation of the FontFamily for the new Font.

emSize double

The em-size of the new font in the units specified by the unit parameter.

style FontStyle

The FontStyle of the new font.

unit GraphicsUnit

The unit of the new font.


If bad parameters are passed to the font constructor, error message is output to log and font is created with default parameters. No exceptions are raised.

Font(string, double, GraphicsUnit)

Initializes a new Font using a specified size and unit. The style is set to Regular.

public Font(string familyName, double emSize, GraphicsUnit unit)


familyName string

A string representation of the FontFamily for the new Font.

emSize double

The em-size of the new font in the units specified by the unit parameter.

unit GraphicsUnit

The unit of the new font.


If bad parameters are passed to the font constructor, error message is output to log and font is created with default parameters. No exceptions are raised.

Font(string, double)

Initializes a new Font using a specified size.

public Font(string familyName, double emSize)


familyName string

A string representation of the FontFamily for the new Font.

emSize double

The em-size, in points, of the new font.


If bad parameters are passed to the font constructor, error message is output to log and font is created with default parameters. No exceptions are raised.


Initializes a new Font using a specified font handler.

public Font(IFontHandler handler)


handler IFontHandler

Font handler.