Class MarkupProperty
A property description used by serialiation to encapsulate access to properties and their values. A property is either representable as a string or a list of items. If the property can be respresented as a string IsComposite is false, otherwise, if IsComposite is true, the property is a list of items.
public abstract class MarkupProperty
- Inheritance
- Attributes
The attributes associated with the markup property.
- DependencyProperty
The dependency property for the markup property if this property is backed by a DependencyProperty.
- IsAttached
Returns true when this propety is an attached dependency property. When true, PropertyDescriptor can be null (but is not required to be) and DependencyProperty is not null.
- IsComposite
If IsComposite is false Value and StringValue are valid to call, the property can be represented as a string. If is true, Items is valid to use and the property is one or more items. If the property is composite but has not items, the property isn't returned by MarkupItem.GetProperties.
- IsConstructorArgument
Returns true when this property represents a constructor argument. When true, PropertyDescriptor and DependencyProperty are both null. XAML only uses this for represnting the constructor parameters of MarkupExtension instances.
- IsContent
Returns true when this property represents direct content of a collection (or dictionary) class. When true, PropertyDescriptor and DependencyProperty are both null.
- IsKey
Returns true when the property represents the key used by the MarkupItem's container to store the item in a dictionary. When true, the PropertyDescriptor and DependencyProperty will return null. XAML will emit this as an x:Key attribute.
- IsValueAsString
Returns true when this property represents the text to pass to the type's ValueConverter to create an instance instead of using a constructor. When true, PropertyDescriptor and DependencyProperty are both null. If a property is provided through MarkupItem.Properties that has this value set to true it is the only property the type will provide.
- Items
Enumerate the items that make up the value of this property. If the property is not an enumeration, this will only be one item in the enumeration. If the property is an enumeration (or enumerable) then all the items will be returned. At least one will always be returned since it MarkupItem will not create a MarkupProperty for properties with no items.
- Name
A name sutible for diagnostics and error reporting. A serializer should not use this value. It should use the PropertyDescriptor and/or DependencyProperty instead.
- PropertyDescriptor
The property descriptor for the markup property if this property is associated with a CLR property.
- PropertyType
The type of the property.
- StringValue
The string value of the property using ValueSerializer classes when appropriate to convert the value to a string. Which ValueSerializer to invoke is determined by the IValueSerializerContext of the MarkupItem that returned this MarkupProperty.
- TypeReferences
The list of types that this property will reference when it serializes its value as a string. This allows a serializer to ensure that the de-serializer has enough information to convert references to these type from the string representations. For example, ensuring there is an xmlns declaration for the XML namespace that defines the type.
- Value
The current value of the property.