Class MarkupObject
An enumeration class used by serialization to walk the a tree of objects. Markupobject's represent objects and using XML based serialization they would be written as elements.
public abstract class MarkupObject
- Inheritance
- Attributes
The attributes associated with the markup item.
- Instance
The instance of the object represented by the this MarkupObject. The type of the object might not be ObjectType if the instance represents a factory creating instances of type ObjectType.
- ObjectType
The CLR type for the object. For example, an item representing a Button would return the equivilient of typeof(System.Windows.Button).
- Properties
An enumeration the items properties. Only properties that have significant (serializable) properties are returned. Properties that have their default value, or are otherwise not visible to serialization, are not returned.
The first 0 to N properties returned by the Properties enumeration might have the IsConstructorArgument set. These properties should be used as the parameters to the ItemType's constructor with N parameters. If the first property doesn't have the IsConstructorArgument set, the default constructor of the ItemType should be used.
If the MarkupItem is in a dictionary, one of the properties of the item will have an IsKey set to true. This is the value for the dictionary key.
- AssignRootContext(IValueSerializerContext)
Assigns a root context to use for ValueSerializer's that are used to return, for example, the string value of a property or key. All value serializaers will be looked up via this context if present.