Class CollectionView
ICollectionView with checks for affinity to the UI thread dispatcher
public class CollectionView : DispatcherObject, IBaseObject, IDisposableObject, IDisposable, ICollectionView, IEnumerable, INotifyCollectionChanged, INotifyPropertyChanged
- Inheritance
- Implements
- Derived
- CollectionView(IEnumerable)
Create a view to given collection.
- AllowsCrossThreadChanges
Returns true if this view supports CollectionChanged events raised by the source collection on a foreign thread (a thread different from the Dispatcher's thread).
- CanFilter
Indicates whether or not this ICollectionView can do any filtering. When false, set Filter will throw an exception.
- CanGroup
Returns true if this view really supports grouping. When this returns false, the rest of the interface is ignored.
- CanSort
Test if this ICollectionView supports sorting before adding to SortDescriptions.
- Comparer
Return an object that compares items in this view.
- Count
Return the number of items (or -1, meaning "don't know"); if a Filter is set, this counts only items that pass the filter.
- Culture
Culture to use during sorting.
- CurrentItem
Return the "current item" for this view
- CurrentPosition
The ordinal position of the CurrentItem within the (optionally sorted and filtered) view.
- Filter
Filter is a callback set by the consumer of the ICollectionView and used by the implementation of the ICollectionView to determine if an item is suitable for inclusion in the view.
- GroupDescriptions
The description of grouping, indexed by level.
- Groups
The top-level groups, constructed according to the descriptions given in GroupDescriptions.
- IsCurrentAfterLast
Return true if CurrentItem is beyond the end (End-Of-File).
- IsCurrentBeforeFirst
Return true if CurrentItem is before the beginning (Beginning-Of-File).
- IsCurrentInSync
IsCurrentInSync returns true if CurrentItem and CurrentPosition are up-to-date with the state and content of the collection.
- IsDynamic
returns true if the underlying collection provides change notifications the collection view is listening to the change events.
- IsEmpty
Returns true if the resulting (filtered) view is emtpy.
- IsInUse
Returns true if this view is in use (i.e. if anyone is listening to its events).
- IsRefreshDeferred
IsRefreshDeferred returns true if there is still an outstanding DeferRefresh in use. If at all possible, derived classes should not call Refresh if IsRefreshDeferred is true.
- NeedsRefresh
Returns true if this view needs to be refreshed.
- NewItemPlaceholder
Gets the object that is in the collection to represent a new item.
- SortDescriptions
Collection of Sort criteria to sort items in this view over the SourceCollection.
- SourceCollection
Returns the underlying collection.
- UpdatedOutsideDispatcher
Obsolete. Retained for compatibility. Use AllowsCrossThreadChanges instead.
- ClearChangeLog()
Obsolete. Retained for compatibility. Use ClearPendingChanges instead.
- ClearPendingChanges()
Clear any pending changes.
- Contains(object)
Return true if the item belongs to this view. No assumptions are made about the item. This method will behave similarly to IList.Contains().
- DeferRefresh()
Enter a Defer Cycle. Defer cycles are used to coalesce changes to the ICollectionView.
- DetachFromSourceCollection()
Detach from the source collection. (I.e. stop listening to the collection's events, or anything else that makes the CollectionView ineligible for garbage collection.)
- GetEnumerator()
Returns an object that enumerates the items in this view.
- GetItemAt(int)
Retrieve item at the given zero-based index in this CollectionView.
- IndexOf(object)
Return the index where the given item belongs, or -1 if this index is unknown.
- MoveCurrentTo(object)
Move CurrentItem to the given item. If the item is not found, move to BeforeFirst.
- MoveCurrentToFirst()
Move CurrentItem to the first item.
- MoveCurrentToLast()
Move CurrentItem to the last item.
- MoveCurrentToNext()
Move CurrentItem to the next item.
- MoveCurrentToPosition(int)
Move CurrentItem to the item at the given index.
- MoveCurrentToPrevious()
Move CurrentItem to the previous item.
- OKToChangeCurrent()
ask listeners (via CurrentChanging event) if it's OK to change currency
- OnAllowsCrossThreadChangesChanged()
This method is called when the value of AllowsCrossThreadChanges is changed. It gives a derived class an opportunity to initialize its support for cross-thread changes (or to retire that support).
- OnBeginChangeLogging(NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs)
Obsolete. Retained for compatibility. Use OnAllowsCrossThreadChangesChanged instead.
- OnCollectionChanged(NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs)
Notify listeners that this View has changed
- OnCollectionChanged(object, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs)
Handle CollectionChanged events.
Calls ProcessCollectionChanged() or posts the change to the Dispatcher to process on the correct thread.
- OnCurrentChanged()
Raises the CurrentChanged event
- OnCurrentChanging()
Raise a CurrentChanging event that is not cancelable. Internally, CurrentPosition is set to -1. This is called by CollectionChanges (Remove and Refresh) that affect the CurrentItem.
- OnCurrentChanging(CurrentChangingEventArgs)
Raises the CurrentChanging event
- OnPropertyChanged(PropertyChangedEventArgs)
Raises a PropertyChanged event (per INotifyPropertyChanged).
- PassesFilter(object)
Return true if the item belongs to this view. The item is assumed to belong to the underlying DataCollection; this method merely takes filters into account. It is commonly used during collection-changed notifications to determine if the added/removed item requires processing. Returns true if no filter is set on collection view.
- ProcessCollectionChanged(NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs)
Must be implemented by the derived classes to process a single change on the UI thread. The UI thread will have already been entered by now.
- ProcessPendingChanges()
Process all the pending changes
- Refresh()
Re-create the view, using any SortDescriptions and/or Filter.
- RefreshOrDefer()
Refresh, or mark that refresh is needed when defer cycle completes.
- RefreshOverride()
Re-create the view, using any SortDescriptions and/or Filter.
- SetCurrent(object, int)
set CurrentItem and CurrentPosition, no questions asked!
- SetCurrent(object, int, int)
set CurrentItem and CurrentPosition, no questions asked!
- CollectionChanged
Raise this event when the (filtered) view changes
- CurrentChanged
Raise this event after changing currency.
- CurrentChanging
Raise this event before changing currency.
- PropertyChanged
PropertyChanged event (per INotifyPropertyChanged).