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Property SharesProposedValues



Enables (or disables) the sharing of proposed values.

public bool SharesProposedValues { get; set; }

Property Value



Some UI designs edit multiple properties of a given data item using two templates for each property - a "display template" that shows the current proposed value in non-editable controls, and an "editing template" that holds the proposed value in editable controls and allows the user to edit the value. As the user moves from one property to another, the templates are swapped so that the first property uses its display template while the second uses its editing template. The proposed value in the first property's departing editing template should be preserved ("shared") so that (a) it can be displayed in the arriving display template, and (b) it can be eventually written out to the data item at CommitEdit time. The BindingGroup will implement this when SharesProposedValues is true.