Enum AuiManagerOption
Customization styles of AuiManager.
public enum AuiManagerOption
AllowActivePane = 2
Change the color of the title bar of the pane when it is activated.
AllowFloating = 1
Allow a pane to be undocked to take the form of a mini frame.
Default = AllowFloating | TransparentHint | HintFade | NoVenetianBlindsFade
Default behaviour. It combines AllowFloating, TransparentHint, HintFade, NoVenetianBlindsFade.
HintFade = 64
The translucent area where the pane could be docked appears gradually.
LiveResize = 256
When a docked pane is resized, its content is refreshed in live (instead of moving the border alone and refreshing the content at the end).
NoVenetianBlindsFade = 128
Used in complement of VenetianBlindsHint to show the docking hint immediately.
RectangleHint = 32
The possible location for docking is indicated by a rectangular outline.
TransparentDrag = 4
Make the pane transparent during its movement.
TransparentHint = 8
The possible location for docking is indicated by a translucent area.
VenetianBlindsHint = 16
The possible location for docking is indicated by gradually appearing partially transparent hint.